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These are compounds formed when some or all of the hydrogen ions in an acid are replaced by metal or ammonium ions.

Atoms, molecules and formula units are extremely small and cannot be counted directly. The mole is the unit of amount used in Chemistry to provide a bridge between atoms, molecules or formula units and the amount of chemical substances that can be worked within the laboratory. The mole represents a specific number of atomic-sized particles, just as a pair, dozen or gross represents specific numbers of objects.

Acids and bases have opposite properties and have the ability to neutralise each other. When an acid reacts with a base, the reaction always forms a salt.

The study of electrochemical reactions that either produce electrical energy or require electrical energy to take place.

The study of organic compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and some containing other elements such as nitrogen.

These reactions are opposite processes of oxidation and reduction that occur together in certain types of reactions.